Three Bridges of Sullivan County
Cornish, New Hampshire
Uploaded by Bivy Team


02 :60 hrs
30.5 mi
671 ft
Mountain Biking
Road Biking

This loop begins in the village of Cornish Flat and wanders through picturesque New England countryside. At about mile 5.6 look for the Blacksmith Covered Bridge on the left side of the road, this is a rustic bridge over a creek. Headed west, the route reaches the Connecticut River and parallels it heading north to the Cornish-Windsor Bridge, a length record holder for covered bridges. The route continues to climb in a northerly direction before bending southeast, taking you across the wooded countryside. At about the 25.5-mile mark you’ll reach Mill Covered Bridge just outside of Meriden. The final five miles take you over rolling roadway back to your car.

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